I was brought up believing that my Dad never truly cared about me or loved me. That story was reinforced and manufactured every moment of my life for decades. My perception and love for him was constantly tainted until the stress was so unbearable that I severed the relationship.
Maybe you can relate? Perhaps you've been rejected for weeks, months, or years now. You watched a loving relationship be eroded away and you can't believe this is reality.
You aren't alone. There are so many parents out there suffering, looking for hope...but also answers.
That's why this book exists. That's why I do the work that I do.
The truth is, I was the one who rejected my Dad. I did it. I was to blame. I own my decision...but there was more to the story.
That's what I'm sharing in this book, how it happens...so you can find some peace in understanding that your child is a victim who is being manipulated into hurting you. Yes, they are still the ones who are doing the rejecting.
But if you only knew the strings that were being pulled, the guilt that is being used, and the loyalty that is being demanded...it can completely transform your approach to saving your relationship.
Obviously, I can't promise that you'll read SABOTAGED! and you'll be able to stop the alienation.
What I can say, is that you'll be a lot closer to knowing the take-away insights, methods, and strategies you can use to get started on the journey to rebuild the relationship with your child.
I'm giving you a behind-the-scenes look at everything the alienator is using against you, using my own real-life experiences and working with parents in over 25 countries.
I hope you get a ton of value out of SABOTAGED!
After you’ve finished it (or even before), send me an email and let me know what you think of it.
See you on the inside,
Ryan Thomas